Oregon Firearm Laws

What are Oregon’s gun laws? Well, that’s a complex question.

The large body of law that makes up all the rules, regulations, and laws generally concerning the manufacture, possession, purchase, sale, transfer, and use of firearms in Oregon consists of:

  • The Oregon Constitution
  • The Oregon Revised Statues (ORS)
  • The Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs)
  • Cases from the Oregon Supreme Court
  • Cases from the Oregon Court of Appeals
  • Cases from the Oregon Circuit Courts
  • Various Oregon County Codes
  • Various Oregon Municipal Codes
  • Civil Law Between Companies and Individuals (such as products liability, torts, and contracts)

It’s important to keep in mind that Federal law also has a great deal to do with the regulation of firearms. Some examples of Federal law which also affect Oregon gun laws are:

This website is intended to provide only an overview of the most common gun laws in Oregon. Because laws so frequently change, this website and the contents on this website should not be relied upon by government officials or legal professionals. Also, nothing on this website is be constructed as legal advice. For that, you should seek assistance from a lawyer or attorney licensed to practice law in Oregon and familiar with Oregon gun laws.